Friday, August 9, 2019

Critically examine the media regulation in Russia Assignment

Critically examine the media regulation in Russia - Assignment Example Russian print media was faced with extreme volatility during the first fifteen years of Russian independence. Owners of the print media were forced to withdraw from their ownership to the government. They faced huge aggression by the Russian government and other political bodies for unknown reason. According to estimation by National Association of TV and Broadcasters, there is an estimated amount of 2168 TV in Russia along with other radio companies (Compulenta, 2009). On the other hand, 161 have a TV and radio license with 799 TV companies and approximately there are 888 radio stations. Similarly, the number of cable operators running in the country is estimated to be 1,511 nationwide (Compulenta, 2009). Media Regulations: Russian media is controlled through strict regulations and control. Russian media does not enjoy a free state in running its operations. Russian media is run under three major laws: the law enforced on mass media during 1991, the law imposed on communication duri ng 2003 and the law on Information Technologies with respect to Protection of Information and Information in 2006. The Law on Mass Media is the only law which has been updated and changed constantly. It was last updated in 2009 (Compulenta, 2009). There are some other federal laws as well which are imposed on other media activities. These laws have defined that how would media project the state government and the political parties nationwide. Russian media is a controlled media with limited freedom given to them. However, at the same time, Russian media is prohibited to project anything that depicts terrorism, violence or nudity in any case. Media is given restricted limits to cover any anti-terrorist operations, if occur. Accountability Systems: During the year 1994, the Congress of Russian Journalist outlined and approved a specific Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics defined the same laws and implications which were adopted by the press media all around the world. It was been argu ed that the Code of Ethics are least practiced or respected by the Journalists. It is just the formality that they have fulfilled by outlining a law. Also, these laws state the moral responsibilities and duties of a journalist in a very comprehensive manner. It has also been seen that state-owned or privately-owned media and print outlets are somehow influenced and, they are obligated to answer for their projections either to any federal body or to any local authority. Russian Media: An Analysis: Russian media is under continuous change. Different regulations on Information have been imposed. More recently, the current government of Putin has reinforced new impositions on Information and Communication by equally tightening the Internet and other news agencies (Source: It has been observed that internet is the only media which is free of any regulation and to some extent; we can call it a â€Å"free-media†. The freedom of spe ech and expression has gained popularity in the Russian masses. Despite the concerns raised by the Putin and his government, authorities have implicated no restrictions against this form of media. However, Putin has raised concerns that authorities should keep a regular check on the information being displayed on the internet. We cannot undermine the control as maintained by the government on the digital and print media. It is believed by the authorities that if country

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